Scott Andrew


Posted March 18, 2015.

Alien: Isolation concept art by Callum Watt

Digital artist Callum Watt did a bunch of concept art and storyboards for Sega's Alien: Isolation game. Callum doesn't seem to have a storefront, so...hire him, I guess? Browse his hopelessly awesome portfolio here.

I like how there's barely any linework to these, mostly shadows and light.

I've played about 20% of Alien: Isolation so far. It borrows a lot from the original Alien film and in that sense it makes for a terrific steath game. That said, the real downer is that you die a lot. Make too much noise, you die. Run, you die. Spend too long hiding in one spot and the Alien will yank you from your refuge and you die. I can't imagine playing this with a VR rig.