Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on January 3, 2013.

Kirby Krackle 2013 concert dates: Calgary Expo and Kracklefest

The Kirby Krackle machine is already in crazy high gear for 2013. First, our Calgary Expo gig opening for "Weird" Al Yankovic is already a go. Grab tickets here. This gig kind of warps my brain a bit, because long before "White And Nerdy" vaulted him back into the public consciousness in the mid-00s, I was rocking out to "Weird" Al's Michael Jackson and Madonna spoofs back in the mid-80s.

God, if I only had a time machine...

[INT: a kid's bedroom in West Virginia, 1985]

Teen Me: Omigod! Who are you?!

Future Me: I'm you! From the future! I'm here to tell you that in the future all your rock star dreams come true!

Teen Me: Really?!

Future Me: Yes! You play bass in a fantastic rock band! You tour the country! You have thousands of fans!

Teen Me: \m/ YES \m/

Future Me: And your first stadium show...

Teen Me: [Excited] Yeah?

Future Me: ...will be a great opening slot...

Teen Me: YEAH?

Future Me: Canada!


Future Me: Ye -- what? Oh. No, not Rush. "Weird" Al Yankovic!

Teen Me: [blank stare.]

Future Me: I know, right?

Teen Me: Wha...that "Like A Surgeon" guy?

Future Me: [nods gleefully.]

Teen Me: He's still going?

Future Me: And you're 43 years old!

Teen Me: [visibly pales]

Future Me: Look what else we have in the FUTURE!

[ snaps photo of confused teenage self with iPhone and uploads it to Instagram.]

Okay, wow. Anyway, second: tix are now on sale for the third KRACKLEFEST, our annual nerd concert that coincides with Emerald City Comic-Con. This year's lineup includes Paul and Storm, The Doubleclicks and Nerds With Guitars. We're headlining, and if we pull off even a third of the stage antics that Kyle wants to do this year, it'll still be the can't-believe-you-missed-it, turn-in-your-nerd-badge, burn-your-character-sheet event of March 2013. Go get tickets here.