Hey, we finished a new Kin to Stars single! Feast your ears on "Alright", an anthem for the temporarily downtrodden:
Listen to "Alright" by Kin to Stars now at Bandcamp.
I think this is the first song we wrote as KtS, built off a chord progression I wrote (and abandoned) the same year I wrote "At The Airport." Jerin and I co-wrote nearly every line, and just to be jerks we recorded and mixed everything in Garageband. Yeah. YEAH. ALSO: completely un-ironic usage of lines such as of "people on the street / let me hear you say," etc. Certainly the poppiest pop song I've ever had a hand in writing, and although I was determined to steer well clear of Mayer/Mraz territory, this song would probably fit well in such a playlist. (Not my fault! I lobbied hard for some deeply reverb-ed caterwauling and a harpsichord, but Jerin wouldn't have it.)
Like our last single, we chose Bandcamp to host our new tune so you can have the option of formats like FLAC and Ogg Vorbis in addition to high-quality MP3s and such. You can find the lyrics over there too.
Whew! Enjoy!