Scott Andrew

Posted November 17, 2009.

Lessons from the road


  1. Getting over the mountains in winter is deadly serious business. Traction tires required.
  2. 3G service is spotty on the Eastern side of the Cascades, which, as your van skids on black ice and plummets into a snowy crevasse, makes it much harder to Twitter sarcastically about your predicament.
  3. Suspicion confirmed: AMC's Mad Men is the number one rated show among viewers who "don't even OWN a TV."
  4. In the distant future, after the peak oil problem is solved, global warming reversed and we're all wearing silver jumpsuits and driving space-cars on our way to our space-jobs, fart jokes will still be hi-larious so you might as well accept it.
  5. Music critics are full of shit.
  6. Ryan Adams' Rock N Roll is a brilliant, brilliant album. (See #5)
  7. Cartwheels and backflips during our set only encourage us!
  8. Ragged, dirty Chuck Taylors may look "indie" onstage but modest leather boots provide ankle support and project James Hetfield-like confidence.
  9. In the distant future, after the peak oil problem is solved, global warming reversed and we're all wearing silver jumpsuits and driving space-cars on our way to our space-jobs, lots of people will still hate Creed.
  10. It's wise to know at least one recognizable Slayer riff, so when the scary guy in the back yells "SOUTH OF HEAVEN!" you can at least earn his respect. Do not, however, create the impression that you can play the whole song. Ditto any Pantera/Metallica/Sepultura.