Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on May 25, 2009.

Gig report: Folklife '09

Me at Folklife '09

Hey, I know that font!

Irrational anxiety aside, I have to say my gig at Folklife couldn't have gone any better. Great weather + happy, attentive crowd + mistake-free performance = yay!

Of course they still got my name wrong (the MC fixed it a bit later):

Me at Folklife '09

The sunshine and 70-degree temps brought out a ton of people. I had a full capacity crowd (more were crowded off to the back and sides):

Me at Folklife '09

Since I was playing solo I decided to be brave and pull out the looper pedal so I could accompany myself with some smack-thwap! guitar-beatboxing. The red pedal on the lower left is the LoopStation:

Me at Folklife '09

Overall the gig was great -- not too shabby for having not performed in seven months.

The setlist:

  1. One Sure Thing
  2. Brickyard Bend
  3. Everything They Say
  4. Holding Back
  5. At The Airport
  6. More Good Days

Me at Folklife '09

(Thanks Megan for the pics.)

We didn't hang around hot, crowded Seattle Center very long after the show, but we did wander up to the Narrative Stage to see Nukariik perform some otherworldly-sounding Inuit throat singing:


Back home, Megan and I had a nice sunshine-y walk through the Seward Park neighborhood that ended with arugula pizza and Manny's Pale Ale at the Flying Squirrel. Highly recommended:

Manny's and pizza @ The Flying Squirrel

If we ever have to leave Seattle I'll have to find a way to bring Manny's with us, or curl up into a ball and sob.

Overall, an awesome start to summer.