Scott Andrew


Posted February 19, 2008.

Save You From Yourself now at Amazon and CD Baby

Well, today is the day, people. Today we push Save You From Yourself out into the big, wide world. Good luck, little album!

CDs are now available at Amazon, CD Baby, and directly from me via Paypal. You can also stream all ten tracks in the Store and pick up different digital formats there, too. (iTunes and the rest are running late, sorry.)

Demo Club members can get a big discount by logging in. As always, let me know if something goes wrong and I'll try to fix it ASAP.

The bonus goodies for buying more than one copy are still in effect! Amazon is not going to give up your email address to me, so if you purchase from them, you'll have to email me a copy of your receipt (just delete any private info first). CD Baby usually notifies me within a day or two.

Done and done. Thanks everyone. Time to get started on the next one!