Scott Andrew


Posted October 12, 2024.

Pocket Lint: Mid-October 2024 Edition

It's been awhile! Some interesting links saved to my Pocket account:

HTML For People - A delightful primer on how to make a website and put it online, without making you feel stupid or needing a CS degree. I really want to read this from start to finish because I've undoubtedly forgotten some things.

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HTML for People

HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for everyone. Learn how to make a website from scratch in this beginner friendly web book.

Alternatives to Using Pure Black | Codepen - A collection of hex colors to try instead of #000000.

Faircamp - A free app that creates a static website for music.

Point Faircamp to a folder hierarchy on your disk which contains your audio files. Within minutes, Faircamp builds a complete, static website that presents your music to your audience. You can view the site on your computer or upload it to any webhost - no database, no php or such required.

SVG Repo - An enormous collection of high-quality SVG icons and vector graphics that are free/open source/public domain/CC-licensed.

Introducing TODS – a typographic and OpenType default stylesheet - You can learn a lot about web typography just by walking through the sections of this stylesheet. Open source.

Good forms - Dave Rupert's thoughts on what makes an excellent online form.

Syntax highlighting with a color font | Codepen - pretty amazing demo of colorizing code syntax in a webpage, using a special font instead of a plugin.

CSS Type Casting to Numeric: tan(atan2()) Scalars - Extremely clever way to get element dimensions with a few CSS trig functions, no JS required.

Plus, two recommended purchases:

Pixelmator Pro (MacOS) - I've used Pixelmator image editing software for over a decade now, but the new Pro edition includes some of the cleanest SVG output I've seen.

Every Layout - I'm fascinated by this book on mastering responsive/adaptive CSS layout and wish I had more projects to apply it to.