A few years ago, frustrated with having tons of forgotten, unread browser tabs still open at the end of each week, I started using Pocket to save links for later reading.
The result? A ton of forgotten, unread links in my Pocket account. So in the interest of allieviating guilt and continuing the time-worn tradition of using blogs to share cool links, please enjoy "Pocket Lint."
- Facebook Container extenstion for Firefox: loads Facebook in a separate, sandboxed frame to limit what tracking FB can do while you use it.
- Grokking Algorithms - an illustrated guide!
- Interactive web animation with SVG by Cassie Evans | CSSCAMP 2019 (YouTube): never enough time to learn all the cool stuff.
- Drawing Faces From Any Angle (YouTube)
- Perspective Grid v1.12: generate a perspective grid, snapshot it, drop it into your illustration software.
- Artbreeder: AI-generated human faces and art is amazing, terrifying, and something we'll just have to figure out how to deal with. See also: I Am Very Excited About Artbreeder
- A Conspiracy To Kill IE6: how early YouTube engineers influenced the tech world at large to scare users off of Internet Explorer 6.
- Heimat Der Katastrophe: this is astounding. Cassette-only ambient synth "dungeon drone" music, some of which come with a full D&D adventure printed on the cassette sleeve. Apparently these sell out in minutes.
Awhile back I had an idea to release some D&D-inspired instrumental music along with a printable PDF one-shot adventure. I thought I was so smart. But these…kind of raise the bar.