Scott Andrew


This is an archived blog post that was posted on April 26, 2011.



This week, work on the new Kirby Krackle album kicked into overdrive. We're doubling up on weekly rehearsals to prepare for a breakneck-paced studio session in June, aiming to get the record done just ahead of the San Diego Comic-Con.

This will be the first KK project I've actually played on, so I feel compelled to bring my A-game. No "oh, I'll just rehearse along with the album and meet you at the gig" this time around.

In the meantime, Kyle is developing a talent for homebrewing that may rival his gift for composing head-bobbingly catchy major-chord nerd rock. (Shown above: a sampling of "Not Martha IPA.")

Yeah, this is occurring right alongside work on the new Explone record. Between those projects, and the still-secret songwriting project (still going! Every Wednesday!) I fully expect the creative part of my brain to be worn down to the nub like a pencil eraser by summer.