This week, work on the new Kirby Krackle album kicked into overdrive. We're doubling up on weekly rehearsals to prepare for a breakneck-paced studio session in June, aiming to get the record done just ahead of the San Diego Comic-Con.
This will be the first KK project I've actually played on, so I feel compelled to bring my A-game. No "oh, I'll just rehearse along with the album and meet you at the gig" this time around.
In the meantime, Kyle is developing a talent for homebrewing that may rival his gift for composing head-bobbingly catchy major-chord nerd rock. (Shown above: a sampling of "Not Martha IPA.")
Yeah, this is occurring right alongside work on the new Explone record. Between those projects, and the still-secret songwriting project (still going! Every Wednesday!) I fully expect the creative part of my brain to be worn down to the nub like a pencil eraser by summer.