I've been building this website with Eleventy on Netlify for awhile now and I love it. That said, I've started to miss having dynamic features. So I went spelunking in the cold, haunted depths of NPM to see what eyeless abyssal creatures (i.e. possessed, sleep-deprived full-stack devs) have already built for me.
Here's a feature that I've wanted for a long time: link unfurling! I've always liked those rich preview cards you see when you share links on just about any social media app. Thank you Dave and Sara!
(These might look like a mess in your feed reader, so I suggest visiting my website directly if you're using one. Yes, you there, reading this right now with a feed reader.)
I did some light hacking on a copy of this code to create a fallback format when data like images are missing.
Here are a few good examples:

David Darnes - Designer, Front-end Developer & Writer specialising in Design Systems, Eleventy, Ghost and Jamstack
Designer, Front-end Developer & Writer specialising in Design Systems, Eleventy, Ghost and Jamstack

Here are a few without images:
Importing Eleventy content into WordPress - Andy Bell
Related to redoing this blog, I thought I’d quickly share how I exported all of my 11ty content and imported it into WordPress. Steps First up, I installed a fresh copy of WordPress and cleaned out the default posts, pages and comments. Then, in the existing Eleventy project, I added the following page—which I named […]
Andy Bell

Patrick and I used to play together in Explone and Kirby Krackle. I recently helped with a revamp of his Squarespace website.

Patrick Porter
Patrick Porter